
this site is sort of like our "Cook Book", where we share random amateur recipes, from ready-mix pancakes (Coles) to the exquisite "Ketam Kari".... well, i would say that our menu are mostly dari babu-babu punya... anak-anaknya pandai-pandai me-alterlah... some stuff original pulang :PPP

the idea came about pasal kami ani suka M&M (Masak&Makan) together-gether. hehe... sebenarnya Ms. BB pulang yang masak tu.. the rest suka makan.. :P i think it's fair to say that kami ani masak main antam ganya... :P huhu... and btw, anything eatable is postable!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Sayur Kacang Panjang"

this is another easy peasy recipe, in fact the simplest perhaps. everyone can prepare this easily, i think! was in a dilemma earlier whether to post about it or not. but i ended up posting it. whatever! i'm so lazy and bored today, and foremost... since i love the pic!

...inda payah rasa, cium bau saja... - "master chef" BB


thinly cut long beans
sliced red onion
sliced garlic

blended red chilli

shrimp paste

little dark soy sauce
very little ABC sweet soy sauce

heat up a pot with a little oil. then fry red onion and garlic till brown. next, add blended red chilli and mashed shrimp paste. fry till aroma comes. pour in water, followed by long beans. leave it for a while to soften the beans. finally, add dark soy sauce, ABC sweet soy sauce, salt and msg to taste.

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