
this site is sort of like our "Cook Book", where we share random amateur recipes, from ready-mix pancakes (Coles) to the exquisite "Ketam Kari".... well, i would say that our menu are mostly dari babu-babu punya... anak-anaknya pandai-pandai me-alterlah... some stuff original pulang :PPP

the idea came about pasal kami ani suka M&M (Masak&Makan) together-gether. hehe... sebenarnya Ms. BB pulang yang masak tu.. the rest suka makan.. :P i think it's fair to say that kami ani masak main antam ganya... :P huhu... and btw, anything eatable is postable!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Ayam Goreng ala Gailey" :P

there are lots of different recipes for ayam goreng but here's one that's easy and cheap..hehe as you only need the basic ingredients to marinade the chicken..

What you need:
Curry powder

Turmeric powder


Mr Aji

What you do:

if you'd like to fry let's say 6 chicken pieces (or 6 gulungs as I recall Amal and Azim called the drumstick part hehe), add 1 to 2 tablespoon curry powder depending on how spicy you want them to be. As for the turmeric powder, you only need a little, about a quarter teaspoon. The rest, salt and Mr Aji, up to your taste. Marinade for at least half an hour but I personally think the longer you marinade, the better.

I think Nrl taught me this ayam yea Nrl..I hope you don't mind me posting one of your recipes.. :P

…sorry if inda nyaman… - naïve chef

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