
this site is sort of like our "Cook Book", where we share random amateur recipes, from ready-mix pancakes (Coles) to the exquisite "Ketam Kari".... well, i would say that our menu are mostly dari babu-babu punya... anak-anaknya pandai-pandai me-alterlah... some stuff original pulang :PPP

the idea came about pasal kami ani suka M&M (Masak&Makan) together-gether. hehe... sebenarnya Ms. BB pulang yang masak tu.. the rest suka makan.. :P i think it's fair to say that kami ani masak main antam ganya... :P huhu... and btw, anything eatable is postable!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Mee Bandung ala Krl"

Ok, here's my piece of contribution. Thought I might just spice up this foodblog a bit with my latest recipe (not really haha)… I can tell you, it’s really simple… This is Mee Bandung with just a bit of modification or rather, some addition.

Note: Ingredients shown are just for 1 serving.


2 cups of water
Prawn noodle paste aka perencah Mee Bandung/udang (the essential bit!!)

1 bowl of 'mee kuning' aka thick yellow noodles

Few pieces of de-shelled banana prawns..
No need byk2, too expensive :p
Fried fish tofu or simple tofu - cut to small rectangular pieces

Sliced carrots

Spinach (depends on u if u like or not)

1 tablespoon chilli sauce

1 tablespoon tomato ketchup

1 egg

Sliced chilli & fried shallots to garnish


Fill a pot with water and put it on medium heat. Gently add some prawn noodle paste into the boiling water enough to make the water appear turbid. Give it a bit of a stir and wait to boil. Next, add the de-shelled prawns, fried fish tofu & carrots. Wait for some time then add in the mee kuning. Stir a bit. Add the amount of chilli & tomato sauce suggested, and again give it a stir. When the mee kuning appears soft & cooked, throw in some spinach, break an egg & stir again. It shouldn't take too long.. Follow your instinct when you think it's time to turn off the gas/stove.. Finally you garnish with a bit of sliced chilli, fried shallots and if you want, some chopped spring onions..

...kul brapa start makannya ni?... - the not-so-chefly one

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