
this site is sort of like our "Cook Book", where we share random amateur recipes, from ready-mix pancakes (Coles) to the exquisite "Ketam Kari".... well, i would say that our menu are mostly dari babu-babu punya... anak-anaknya pandai-pandai me-alterlah... some stuff original pulang :PPP

the idea came about pasal kami ani suka M&M (Masak&Makan) together-gether. hehe... sebenarnya Ms. BB pulang yang masak tu.. the rest suka makan.. :P i think it's fair to say that kami ani masak main antam ganya... :P huhu... and btw, anything eatable is postable!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Coconut Rice" aka "Nasi Lemak"

i've tried making coconut rice for quiet a few times now and it has never been perfect. i hate that firm and inconsistent texture's outcome every time i attempted making it in the past! you know, nasi yang macam balum masak atu. i also loathe the moment when the rice cooker button turns from 'cook' to 'warm' when in fact the coconut rice hasn't fully cooked yet (see tips below). but now, the coconut rice is perfect to my liking. it could have been more lamak if i put 4 cups of coconut milk, instead of 3. but i guess i'll pass. hahaha. unhealthy! oh yea, the coconut rice wasn't up to my liking in the past wasn't because of the ingredients, it was because the way it was cooked actually. this is where my mum's saying goes "ikut tangan tu lai, pebaik tah babu bagi tau resipi and cemana buat". ceh! hahaha. well, i do believe in that pulang jua. so, i'm just gonna say the same to those who wanna try this recipe. "ikut tangan tu kamu ah" :P


5 cups rice
3 cups coconut milk
2 cups water
salt to taste

wash and drain the rice first. then, add coconut milk and water to a rice pot. add a little salt as well. then let the rice cooks on a stove (be sure to constant stir the rice) till no more liquid is seen. next, place the rice pot on a rice cooker. leave the rice there until it's fully cooked. ensure you stir every 5 minutes (it's up to you actually, as long as you don't get burnt rice).

if you think your rice is still firm and inconsistent, just keep warming the rice cooker or press the "cook" button again. from my experience, the latter is far more effective than the former. yet, at times, the rice cooker can be so stubborn, meaning that you can't press the 'cook' button at all as the pot is way too hot already. so in that case, just stick a sellotape to that button. hahaha. honestly, that's what i've decided to do when it comes to cooking this. but then again, be sure you watch out your rice by stirring once in a while. otherwise, you'll get burnt coconut rice.

so it's the sellotape that makes my coconut rice perfect. many thanks to Mea for coming out with that idea last time. hahaha "sellotape kali ia san rice cooker ah..." i still remember that statement from her.

...inda payah rasa, cium bau saja... - "master chef" BB

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