
this site is sort of like our "Cook Book", where we share random amateur recipes, from ready-mix pancakes (Coles) to the exquisite "Ketam Kari".... well, i would say that our menu are mostly dari babu-babu punya... anak-anaknya pandai-pandai me-alterlah... some stuff original pulang :PPP

the idea came about pasal kami ani suka M&M (Masak&Makan) together-gether. hehe... sebenarnya Ms. BB pulang yang masak tu.. the rest suka makan.. :P i think it's fair to say that kami ani masak main antam ganya... :P huhu... and btw, anything eatable is postable!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Ketam Kari"

it's been quite a while not posting new recipes. so i guess, it's worth the update... i don't know what recipe(s) to share actually. so i browsed through my food gallery. and here it is what i came up with, "Ketam Kari" recipe. bah, that is all... look for yourself below for the things you need to grab and how to prepare it. till next post...

...inda payah rasa, cium bau saja... - "master chef" BB

washed, de-shelled, halved, fresh crabs
blended dried red chilli
blended mixture of red onion, garlic and ginger
curry powder (mix with water)
salt, msg and sugar to taste
beaten eggs
corn-flour (mix with water) to thicken

fry wok with a little oil. add in blended chilli and onions till golden brown. next, pour in curry powder that is mixed with water earlier. cook till fragrant. then, throw in water, a little bit of tamarind, and salt, msg and sugar to taste. note that, add more water to have more sauce, and add corn flour (must toss with water first before adding) to thicken the sauce. let the sauce to a boil. then add fresh crabs (if crabs were to be put in early before boiling, the crab meat would be too soft or "mashed". so try avoiding that). and make sure the crabs are soaked deep in the sauce. then wait again till the crab shells turn orange or else till sauce boils again. only add beaten eggs (in repeated circular motion) after you see the sauce bubbles. do not stir straight away once you put in the eggs. just'll see the eggs form in pieces in the sauce. then, finally, stir well. serve it while hot. if it's too spicy, add more sugar. in terms of low/medium/high heat...hmmm pandai-pandai adjust lah ah :P

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